Sunday, March 2, 2008

New York Times' Tyler Kepner Writes About Yogi at Spring Training

February 28, 2008, 11:08 pm
The Greatest Living Yankee, Right Across the Hall
By Tyler Kepner

So I was coming back to my hotel room early this evening, and who’s in the lobby but the great Yogi Berra? He said he was just coming in from a round of golf. Turns out he’s in the room right across the hall. There’s just something neat about that. The greatest living Yankee is sleeping just a few feet away. Sounds like the start of a novel.

Yogi is a real treat to have around. I find it charming that he relies on Ron Guidry, a Yankee great in his own right, to take care of his spring training needs. Guidry, the former pitching coach who is back as a spring instructor, picks Yogi up at the airport and takes him wherever he wants to go.

Read the entire article at: